Health and Beauty

Let Dave’s help you find the right footwear fit

FEET ARE OFTEN TAKEN FOR GRANTED when evaluating personal well-being, but when you make your foot health a priority, many of the lifestyle aches and pains you’re dealing with can be reduced or even eliminated. It all starts with what type of shoes you put on, how often you change them throughout the day, and when you replace them with new ones.

How to eat healthy when your significant other won’t

You’ve decided it’s time to start making healthier food choices so you can shed a few pounds, fit into your clothes better, and simply feel good about yourself. Unfortunately, when you announce your intentions to your spouse or significant other, he or she flashes that facial expression that seems to say, “Good luck with that, but I hope you don’t expect me to join you.”

Too much yet not enough: Substance abuse can touch all

AS A VETERAN OF years of trauma, emergency, and urgent care, I have learned one thing: substance abuse affects all of us. From complete breakdown of routine living to significant medical invasion, this complex problem can be evasive to treat and easy to ignore. However, if there is one thing I have experienced, it is that addiction never gets better on its own.

It’s up to adults to protect kids from cannabis exposure

LAST NOVEMBER, OHIO VOTERS GAVE THEIR STAMP OF APPROVAL TO ISSUE 2, legalizing the use of recreational marijuana in the state of Ohio for adults age 21 and over. Whatever position one might have held on this ballot initiative prior to election day, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s passage may have unintended health and safety consequences for children and teens. It’s up to parents and caregivers who choose to use cannabis to be aware of—and take steps to mitigate—those risks.

Look as young as you feel!

Look as young as you feel as you feel W at does the skin on your face, neck, chest, and hands reveal about you? Will the fine lines, brown spots (age spots), large veins on the hands, and sagging jowls and neck portray you as tired, withered, and older than you feel? Consider a painless and no-downtime cosmetic procedure to reduce your aging, sun-damaged, and sagging facial skin and eliminate brown spots. Allow Dr.