Enriching Our Life

Assess your life insurance needs

IF YOUR FAMILY RELIES ON YOUR INCOME, it’s critical to consider having enough life insurance to provide for them after you pass away. But too often, life insurance is an overlooked aspect of personal finances.

How to create a low-maintenance landscape

ONE OF THE MOST COMMON QUESTIONS nurseryandgardencenter employees hear from their customers is some variation upon, “How can I create a landscape that doesn’t require any maintenance?” This is understandable considering many people today lead extremely busy lives and can’t realistically accommodate another major obligation in their schedule.

Three simple safety tips for biking in traffic

IT’S CRITICAL FOR CYCLISTS to follow these three simple rules whenever they share the road with motor vehicles: 1. Ride predictably— Follow the same rules of the road that all other drivers must follow. Obey all traffic signals and stop signs, yield the rightof- way when appropriate, signal your intentions before turning or proceeding from a stop, allow plenty of room between yourself and other cyclists or vehicles on the road, and always ride with traffic.

SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING - Powered by connection

The wise person knows what time it is in her/his own life and in the life of the community. She/he knows that sensing the kairos (the prepared or ripe moment) is more important than conforming to the compulsive rhythm of chronological time. Thus, the wise person is able to give herself/himself gracefully to seemingly contradictory experiences, because she/he knows that they belong to different seasons of life, all of which are necessary to the whole. Spring and summer, growth and decay, creativity and fallowness, health and sickness, power and impotence, and life and death all belong within the economy of being.

Budget checkup: Tax time is the right time

file their federal tax returns. For many, the process involves digging through shoe boxes or manila folders full of receipts; gathering mortgage, retirement, and investment account statements; and relying on computer software to take advantage of every tax break the code permits.

On the road again: thinking about travel

HERE IN NORTHWEST OHIO, when spring fever comes, travel plans follow— Easter, school breaks, graduations, weddings, and summer fun. Being far from home can make even minor medical issues significant. It doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, a little preparation goes a long way to staying safe and healthy during travel.